Freelance Learning Consultant - Stover Country Park
- Multiple Locations
- Variable Hours
- see advert details

Scope of work
A freelance Learning Consultant is required to support our Community Engagement Officer and the Ranger team at Stover Country Park to refresh our learning programmes and resources for local primary schools.
The consultant will be required to achieve the following outputs:
• Revamp our learning programme and resources for EYFS / KS1 / KS2 and primary school pupils with SEND, by working with the Community Engagement Officer and Ranger team, to develop and write the content for a range of school visits.
• Support the Community Engagement Officer and Ranger team to deliver 4 visits, a combination of lead and self-guided visits, for EYFS / KS1 / KS2, including primary school pupils with SEND, to pilot developing resources and activities with local schools.
• Design a series of on-line pre-and post-visit resources for primary school visits, in partnership with the Community Engagement Officer and Ranger team, and our interpretation company Morgans Consult.
• Work with our interpretation company Morgans Consult on the production of accessible resources and printed learning materials, in the form of 35 x KS1 activity packs, and 35 x KS2 activity packs.
Main audiences for the work
• Local primary schools, in particular EYFS, KS1, KS2 and pupils with SEND, pre-school to 11 years.
The Contract
• The work needs to happen from beginning of March to the end of July 2025.
• We anticipate the consultant working closely with the Community Engagement Officer and Ranger team:
• during the early period of the contract when developing the content and creating the resources;
• when carrying out a ‘watching brief’ service for a series of school visits when the new learning programmes and resources are being piloted;
• and to work closely with our interpretation company Morgans Consult when the final resources are being designed and printed.
Budget and resources
• £8,000 is available for this work, to include all professional fees and expenses.
• There is a separate budget for purchasing resources, printing and production, including design and copy editing.
• A schedule of payments will be agreed with the consultant to be paid against the completion of key outputs.
How to Apply:
Please also find a series of attachments which provide additional information to this role and the wider Restoring Stover Park Project.
Tender applications should be no longer than four A4 pages and should include:
• Understanding of the brief and its outputs
• Qualifications
• Relevant Knowledge (e.g. nature, heritage learning, learning outside the classroom, the national curriculum),
• Understanding (e.g. of country parks, outdoor learning centres)
• Experience (e.g. creating innovative education programmes, working with rangers and volunteers)
• Skills (e.g. communication skills).
• Three relevant case studies
• Your approach
• Proposed methodology and plan of work
• Breakdown of fees and days
• Two references (name and contact details)
• CVs can be attached separately.
Key Project Dates
• Expression of interest deadline: Monday 17 February
• Interviews: Friday 21 February
• Contract: w/c. Monday 24 February – ‘Getting started meeting’
• Contract End: Thursday 31 July
If you have any questions, please e-mail Emily Cannon at
Please send your application to: Emily Cannon, Restoring Stover Park Project Officer at by 12pm, Monday 17 February 2025
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes, The Restoring Stover Park Team
Job Details
- OrganisationDevon County Council
- Work LocationTeignbridgeDevon
- Work Postcode
- Reference
- Occupational GroupEducation SupportYouth & CommunityEnvironment, Conservation & Waste
- Salary Details
see advert details
- Job TermFixed
- Appointment TypeVariable Hours
- Hours
Variable hours
- Closing Date
- DBS Check Required